Tenga en cuenta que el itinerario seleccionado es operado por Scoot. Seleccione 'Continuar' para continuar con la reserva en flyscoot.com. Todos los pagos se realizarán directamente en Scoot
Para recuperar una reserva realizada a través de un agente de viajes, introduzca su nombre de pila. Si tiene más de un compañero de viaje, usted será nuestro principal contacto para enviar actualizaciones cuando se produzcan cambios en sus vuelos.
Recuperar una reserva
Debido a que no reservó en SingaporeAir.com, necesitamos información adicional para recuperar su reserva
Referencia de la reserva
Si hay pasajeros con diferente apellido en esta reserva, introduzca sus apellidos aquí para recuperar la reserva.
Outstanding payment due
You have an outstanding payment due on a flown ticket.
Until payment has been made, we have temporarily suspended use of Krisflyer miles.
contact us
as soon as possible to resolve this issue.
Your Krisflyer account is under review
We have noticed a mismatch in the name used in last transaction.
Please reverify your identity, by emailing your full name, Krisflyer account number, and the following documents to
Your passsport ID page
Boarding pass (if relevant)
Bank/credit card statement reflecting the transaction (if relevant)
For your safety, we have temporarily suspended use of your Krisflyer miles. Please
contact us
for more information.
Your account is under review
We have noticed irregular activity regarding your Krisflyer account.
For your safety, we have temporarily suspended use of your Krisflyer miles.
contact us
as soon as possible to restore your account.
Your Krisflyer account is under review
For your safety, we have temporarily suspended use of your Krisflyer miles.
We will update you as soon as your account has been restored
contact us
for more information.
Your KrisFlyer account is under review
We are contacting you as we noticed there are multiple KrisFlyer accounts associated with your name.
To assist us in verifying that the KrisFlyer accounts belong to you, please email your passport ID page to
with your KrisFlyer account number and name.
We seek your understanding that each individual can only have one KrisFlyer account and that you will only be able to utilise the KrisFlyer miles in your account after we have completed the above verification. If you have any queries on this matter, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Weltklasse-Service erleben
Die Wärme eines Abendessens mit einer Familie, die man gerade erst kennengelernt hat - dieses Gefühl kennen wir.
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Inicie sesión en su cuenta KrisFlyer para desbloquear ofertas de tarifas personalizadas, privilegios y más. ¿No es miembro de KrisFlyer? Registrarse ahora