Corporate Policies


Integrity is one of the Singapore Airlines Group’s core values. We go out of our way to do the right thing, every time. We expect integrity not just from our employees, but also from our partners, suppliers, contractors and agents that we work with. You can play a part to help ensure that the SIA Group continues to be a safe and ethical company by reporting any knowledge of improprieties, malpractices, misconduct, wrongdoing or fraud via the following independent whistleblowing channelsExternal Link operated by Deloitte, our external service provider.

Suppliers’ Code of Conduct

These guidelines describe the standards of behaviour we expect from our suppliers when it comes to operations, social values, and the environment. They’re based on our business values, which are in keeping with the United Nations Global Compact related to Human Rights, Labour, the Environment, and Anti-Corruption.

Risk Management Framework

These guidelines describe the principles and policies, as well as the reporting structure and risk management process.

Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

The Singapore Airlines Group has prepared a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement outlining the approach taken to prevent any form of slavery or trafficking from taking place in its operations and supply chain and its ongoing commitment in the fight to eliminate slavery and human trafficking.

This statement has been submitted to the Attorney-General’s Department of the Australian Government for review as of 24 September 2024 and is pending official publication on the register.

SIA's Sustainability Policy

The policy outlines the key elements of our Sustainability strategy within Singapore Airlines, whereby we take a long-term approach in the responsible development of air transportation and related businesses. We have programmes in place to ensure sustainable practices are implemented across the company by considering material environmental, social and governance topics.