
In-flight entertainment

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What's new this month

Choose from over 1,900* on-demand entertainment options including movies, TV shows, music albums and more on KrisWorld, our in-flight entertainment system.

Explore the new KrisWorld Digital! It’s packed with our wide range of in-flight entertainment content highlights and featured stories. Discover here.

Alternatively, you can still get a glimpse of our in-flight entertainment offerings by simply downloading our KrisWorld Magazine.

*Some entertainment options might not be available on the Boeing 737-800 NG aircraft.

Explore more

Entertainment made personal

Create your own in-flight entertainment experience with the SingaporeAir mobile app.

If you are travelling on board the Boeing 737-800 NG aircraft, you can enjoy a curated selection of Hollywood blockbusters, TV hits and music favourites. Click here for more details.