Présentation de vos privilèges PPS Club améliorés

Plus de récompenses et de reconnaissance dans le monde

Nous cherchons toujours à rendre le voyage plus gratifiant pour les membres du Club PPS. C'est pourquoi nous sommes heureux de vous présenter les dernières améliorations de ce programme. 


Récompenses PPS - Des vols plus enrichissants

La Valeur PPS que vous accumulez sur vos voyage peut également vous faire gagner des Récompenses PPS. Par conséquent, plus vous volez, plus vous êtes récompensé.

Dès que vous gagnez une Récompense PPS, elle apparaît automatiquement sur votre compte KrisFlyer, prête à être utilisée pour votre prochain vol.

Valeur PPS gagnée pendant l'année d'adhésion (SGD)

Récompense PPS


Les Récompenses miles KrisFlyer doublées
Recevez deux coupons, chacun vous permettant de gagner le double de miles pour un segment de vol simple.


Promotion d'échange de 50 000 miles KrisFlyer
Bénéficiez d'une réduction de 50 000 miles sur votre prochain vol de récompense ou le surclassement d'une classe de voyage.

Membres Solitaire PPS Club


Surclassements en attente  
Recevez deux coupons de surclassement en attente, chacun vous permettant de solliciter un surclassement d'une classe de cabine au moins 48 heures avant votre vol. Votre surclassement sera confirmé lors de l'enregistrement à l'aéroport, sous réserve de disponibilité des sièges.


Surclassement à l'avance 
Recevez un coupon de surclassement à l'avance, vous permettant de solliciter un surclassement d'une classe de cabine au moment de la réservation. Votre surclassement sera confirmé, sous réserve de disponibilité.


Surclassement à l'avance 
Recevez un coupon de surclassement à l'avance, vous permettant de solliciter un surclassement d'une classe de cabine au moment de la réservation. Votre surclassement sera confirmé, sous réserve de disponibilité.

Des privilèges accrus au sol et dans les airs

En plus de vos privilèges existants en tant que membre PPS Club, vous bénéficierez également des avantages suivants :

Non-expiration des miles 
Désormais, vos miles KrisFlyer n'expireront pas tant que vous resterez membre PPS Club.

Échange prioritaire 
La priorité vous sera accordée pour la disponibilité des vols primes Éco. 

Sièges préférés
Bénéficiez gratuitement de sièges préférés lorsque vous volez en classe Premium Economy ou en classe Économie sur Singapore Airlines et en classe Économie sur SilkAir.

Immigration prioritaire
Transitez rapidement dans les aéroports sélectionnés. Les membres Solitaire PPS Club éligibles des pays participants pourront, dans le cadre de la carte de voyages d'affaires APEC, voir le prix de la carte leur être remboursé. 

Nouvelle structure d'adhésion Solitaire PPS Club

À partir du 1er juin 2018, nous apporterons des modifications à nos exigences d'adhésion au Solitaire PPS Club. Par conséquent, en fonction de la Valeur PPS que vous avez gagnée jusqu'au 31 mai 2018, vous pourrez être admissible à l'adhésion Solitaire PPS Club sous l'une des deux structures d'adhésion :

Adhésion Solitaire PPS Club

Pour les membres Solitaire PPS Club disposant du statut Solitaire avant le 1er juin 2018
(structure d'adhésion actuelle)

Pour les membres Solitaire PPS Club disposant du statut Solitaire le/après le 1er juin 2018
(nouvelle structure d'adhésion)

Adhésion Solitaire PPS Club avant le 1er juin 2018
Si vous gagnez 250 000 SGD en moins de cinq années consécutives d'adhésion PPS Club avant le 1er juin 2018, vous devenez membre Solitaire PPS Club sous la structure actuelle. Cela signifie que vous ne devez gagner que 25 000 SGD de Valeur PPS au cours de chaque année d'adhésion pour vous requalifier en tant que membre Solitaire PPS Club. La Valeur PPS que vous gagnez au-delà des 25 000 SGD au cours d'une année d'adhésion en tant que membre Solitaire PPS Club sera conservée sous forme de Valeur de Réserve, qui continuera d'avoir une période de validité de 6 ans.  Cette Valeur de réserve peut compter pour une requalification ultérieure.

Adhésion Solitaire PPS Club le/après le 1er juin 2018
À compter du 1er juin 2018, si vous gagnez 50 000 SGD de Valeur PPS au cours de votre année d'adhésion PPS Club, vous deviendrez un membre Solitaire PPS Club sous la nouvelle structure. Continuez à gagner 50 000 SGD de Valeur PPS au cours de chaque année d'adhésion pour vous requalifier en tant que membre Solitaire PPS Club. . La Valeur PPS que vous gagnez au-delà des 50 000 SGD au cours d'une année d'adhésion en tant que membre Solitaire PPS Club sera conservée sous forme de Valeur de Réserve, qui aura une période de validité de 3 ans.  Cette Valeur de réserve peut compter pour une requalification ultérieure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) What are the changes to the PPS Club? When will these be implemented?
A: We will be introducing the following changes to the PPS Club programme:

a) New PPS Club benefits and PPS Rewards will be implemented with effect from 1 June 2017

b) Changes to Solitaire PPS Club membership structure will be implemented with effect from 1 June 2018, one year from the time of announcement.

Q2) Why are you making these changes to the PPS Club programme?
A: These changes are part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the PPS Club programme, aimed at delivering even more benefits and rewards to our most valued members. They are being introduced after review of the PPS Club programme and taking onboard feedback from our valued PPS Club members.

Q3) How will PPS Club members benefit from these changes?
A: PPS Club members will enjoy even more benefits and rewards for their travel.

Q1) Are PPS Rewards applicable to all PPS Club members? How do I qualify for PPS Rewards?
A: PPS Rewards are applicable to all PPS Club members, whose current annual spend (current PPS Value) meets the eligibility criteria.

Q2) Can Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holders earn PPS Rewards as well?
A: PPS Rewards are an exclusive benefit for PPS Club members. This does not apply to Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holders.

Q3) Are PPS Rewards applicable to KrisFlyer Basic and KrisFlyer Elite members?
A: PPS Rewards are an exclusive benefit for PPS Club members. This is not available for KrisFlyer Basic and KrisFlyer Elite members.

Q4) Can I use my Reserve Value to earn PPS Rewards?
A: Reserve Value does not count towards your eligibility for PPS Rewards. PPS Rewards are awarded based on fresh spend (current PPS Value) in your current PPS Club membership year.

Q5) How can I track the PPS Rewards I have / am going to attain?
A: To track your PPS Rewards, please check the “PPS Rewards” tab under your Account Summary when you log in to your KrisFlyer account on

Q6) How do I use PPS Rewards? How do I apply a PPS Reward to my booking?
A: PPS Rewards may be used via the following channels:

  1. Self-service online at
    - PPS Club members may log-in to their KrisFlyer account on for more information on how to apply their PPS Rewards to a flight booking. Simply select “PPS Rewards” tab in your Account Summary on

    - Terms and conditions governing the use of PPS Rewards are available here.
  1. KrisFlyer Membership Services

Q7) Can PPS Rewards be used for bookings for my supplementary card holder or redemption nominees?
A: The 50,000 KrisFlyer Miles Redemption Discount, Standby Upgrade and Advance Upgrade Rewards may be used for bookings for your redemption nominees, as well as your Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holder if he/she is a redemption nominee. The Double KrisFlyer Miles Reward, however, may only be used for bookings for the principal PPS Club member.

Q8) How long are PPS Rewards valid for? Can the validity of PPS Rewards be extended?
A: PPS Rewards are valid for 1 year from the issuance date. Please use your PPS Reward by applying it to an eligible booking before the expiry date. We regret that we will not be able to extend the validity of the rewards.

Q9) Does that mean the flight to which I am applying my PPS Reward, has to be completed before the expiry of the PPS Reward?
A: PPS Rewards may be applied to a flight date beyond its validity, as long as the application of the PPS Reward was done before its expiry. Please click here for the terms and conditions governing the use of PPS Rewards.

Q10) How can I check the expiry date of my PPS Rewards?
A: PPS Club members may log in to their KrisFlyer account to check the validity of their PPS Rewards. Simply select the “PPS Rewards” tab in your Account Summary after logging in.

Q11) Are PPS Rewards transferable?
A: PPS Rewards are strictly non-transferable. However, you may use the 50,000 KrisFlyer Miles Redemption Discount, Standby Upgrade and Advance Upgrade Rewards for bookings for your redemption nominees as well as your Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holder, if he/she is a redemption nominee.

Q12) Where can I find the terms and conditions governing the use of PPS Rewards?
A: Terms and conditions governing the use of PPS Rewards are available here.

About Non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles

Q1) Does the non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles apply to all PPS Club members?
A: Yes, all PPS Club members will enjoy the benefit of KrisFlyer miles that do not expire, as long as they remain in the PPS Club.

Q2) Does the non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles apply to other KrisFlyer membership tiers?
A: The non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles is currently an exclusive benefit for PPS Club members.

Q3) Does the non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles apply to my Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holder or my redemption nominee(s)?
A: Non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles is applicable to the KrisFlyer miles belonging to the principal PPS Club members. It is not extended to the miles in the KrisFlyer accounts of your Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holder or your redemption nominee(s).

Q4) How does non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles for PPS Club members work?
A: The KrisFlyer miles in the account of a PPS Club member will automatically not expire, as long as you remain a qualified PPS Club member. This applies to all valid KrisFlyer miles in your account. However, certain promotional miles (from lucky draws or other promotions) may be excluded from non-expiry. Details will be found in the terms and conditions of respective promotions.

Q5) What is the effective implementation date for non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles for PPS Club members?
A: The non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles for PPS Club members will take effect from Thursday 1 June 2017. All currently valid KrisFlyer miles in the accounts of qualified PPS Club members as at 1 June 2017 will be automatically set to non-expiry.

Q6) Does non-expiry of KrisFlyer miles for PPS Club members apply to all the KrisFlyer miles in my account, regardless of whether they are earned by flying with SIA, through hotel partners, car rentals, other purchases, or through transfer of bank points to KrisFlyer miles?
A: Yes, this applies to all valid KrisFlyer miles in your account, regardless of how the miles were earned. However, do bear in mind that certain promotional miles (from lucky draws or other promotions) may be excluded from non-expiry. Details will be found in the terms and conditions of respective promotions.

Q7) I have just qualified as a PPS Club member, what will happen to the KrisFlyer miles earned before my PPS Club qualification?
A: Any valid KrisFlyer miles in your KrisFlyer account, even if they are earned before your PPS Club qualification, will not expire once you qualify as a PPS Club member. The KrisFlyer miles will remain valid as long as you remain in the PPS Club.

Q8) What happens to my KrisFlyer miles if I am unable to requalify as a PPS Club member?
A: If you are unable to requalify as a PPS Club member, the KrisFlyer miles in your account will be set to expire in 3 years from the qualification date of your new KrisFlyer Basic / Elite Silver / Elite Gold tier, as applicable.

Q9) What is the validity for the KrisFlyer miles belonging to other KrisFlyer tiers (i.e. KrisFlyer Basic, Elite Silver and Elite Gold)? Will the facility to extend the validity of expiring KrisFlyer miles still be applicable?
A: There is no change to the validity for KrisFlyer miles belonging to KrisFlyer Basic, Elite Silver and Elite Gold members, at 3 years. The validity of these KrisFlyer miles can still be extended for a fee towards the end of the 3 year validity period, per current terms and conditions. For more information on extending the validity of KrisFlyer miles, please click here.

About Extra Legroom Seats

Q10) What is an Extra Legroom Seat? Are there any differences between an Extra Legoom Seat and a Standard seat?
A: An Extra Legroom Seat gives you more space to stretch your legs and a wider seat pitch, so that you can travel in greater comfort. They are available on Economy Class and Premium Economy Class, and are usually located by the Emergency Exit rows. For more information on Extra Legroom Seats seat types, please click here.

Q11)Are all PPS Club members eligible to enjoy complimentary seat selection?
A: All PPS Club members will enjoy complimentary Extra Legroom, Forward Zone or Standard Seats when they travel in Economy Class or Premium Economy Class on Singapore Airlines.

Q12) Are Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holders eligible to enjoy complimentary seat selection?
A: Solitaire PPS Club supplementary members are also eligible for complimentary Extra Legrooom, Forward Zone or Standard Seats when they travel in Economy Class or Premium Economy Class on Singapore Airlines.

Q13) Will this benefit be extended to other passengers in the same booking as PPS Club members?
A: Enjoying complimentary seats is an exclusive benefit for PPS Club members. It is not extended to other passengers travelling in the same booking as the PPS Club member, unless they themselves are also PPS Club members or Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holders.

Q14) Is there a limit to how many complimentary seats I can get for a single booking?
A: Each eligible travelling PPS Club member will be able to select one complimentary seat for himself or herself for each Singapore Airlines flight segment in the booking.

About Priority Immigration and Security

Q15) What is Fast Track immigration and security? Where can I find information on the airports where the Fast Track service is available for PPS Club members?
A: At selected airports, PPS Club members travelling in Premium Economy or Economy Class and/or passengers flying in Suites, First or Business Class can save time with priority lanes at immigration or security screening checkpoints.

Information on the airports where fast track services are available to PPS Club members and/or premium passengers is available at here.

Fast track services at selected airports are being progressively expanded, where feasible.

Q16) What is the APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC)?
A: Card holders of the APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) enjoy fast-track entry and exit through special APEC lanes at major airports, and multiple short term entries to the participating economies. This product is managed solely by the government agency responsible for the ABTC scheme for your respective home economy. As each home economy manages its own ABTC scheme, please click here for more information on the ABTC scheme, application eligibility and procedures stipulated by your respective APEC home economies.

Q17) Where can I find a list of the participating economies?
A: You can find a list of participating economies here.

Q18) How long is the ABTC valid for?
A: The ABTC is typically valid for up to 5 years or whenever the passport it is associated with expires, whichever is earlier. Please refer to official information on ABTC here.

Q19) How much does it cost to apply for the ABTC?
A: The ABTC application fee varies from economy to economy. Please contact the government agency responsible for the ABTC scheme in your home economy for more details. For contact information of your government agency, please click here.

Q20) Who is eligible for reimbursement of the application fee(s) for the APEC Business Travel Card?
A: All Solitaire PPS Club members who have applied for the ABTC through their home economy during their Solitaire PPS Club membership year are eligible for reimbursement. Solitaire PPS Club supplementary card holders who are not Solitaire PPS Club members on their own accord are not eligible for reimbursement.

Q1) When will the changes to the qualification and renewal criteria for Solitaire PPS Club membership (“new Solitaire membership structure”) take effect?
A: The changes will take effect from 1 June 2018, a year from the time of announcement.

Q2) Why are you changing the Solitaire membership structure now?
A: The changes to the current Solitaire membership structure allow for faster qualification into the Solitaire PPS Club, and streamlines member renewal criteria.

Q3) How do the changes affect existing Solitaire PPS Club members and those who qualify as Solitaire PPS Club members under the current Solitaire membership structure before 1 June 2018?
A: The current Solitaire membership structure will continue to apply to existing Solitaire PPS Club members and those who qualify before 1 June 2018. They will continue to renew their Solitaire PPS Club membership by earning 25,000 in PPS Value during each Solitaire PPS Club membership year, as long as they remain in the Solitaire PPS Club. Their Solitaire PPS Reserve Value will also continue to have a validity period of six years.

Q4) Are there differences in tier benefits between Solitaire PPS Club members qualified under the current and new Solitaire membership structure?
A: There are no differences in tier benefits (e.g. supplementary card, lounge, baggage benefits) between Solitaire PPS Club members qualified under the current and new Solitaire membership structure.

Q5) Why are you announcing now for the new Solitaire membership structure to take effect a year later (i.e. take effect from 1 June 2018)?
A: We would like to provide members with ample lead time to assimilate the changes to the qualification and renewal criteria for Solitaire PPS Club membership. Members can continue to track towards Solitaire PPS Club status under the current Solitaire membership structure until 31 May 2018 inclusive, after which the new Solitaire membership structure will take effect.

Q6) Can members still choose to qualify under the current Solitaire membership structure on/after 1 June 2018?
A: The current Solitaire membership structure will cease incepting new Solitaire PPS Club members after 31 May 2018. From 1 June 2018, the new qualification and renewal criteria and Reserve Value validity will apply for all newly qualified Solitaire PPS Club members.

Existing Solitaire PPS Club members and those who qualify as Solitaire PPS Club members before 1 June 2018 will continue to requalify under the current renewal levels, as long as they remain in the Solitaire PPS Club.

Q7) Under the new Solitaire membership structure that will take effect from 1 June 2018, can the Reserve Value I've earned as a qualified PPS Club member count towards the S$50,000 required to qualify for Solitaire PPS Club membership
A: No, you will need to earn 50,000 PPS Value in fresh spend during your qualified PPS membership year in order to qualify for Solitaire PPS Club membership. Any valid Reserve Value you earned as a qualified PPS Club member will not count towards the amount required to first qualify as a Solitaire PPS Club member.