Booking alerts
Booking alerts are automatic notifications on your itinerary, delivered to you via SMS and/or email. Alerts will be sent whenever you make changes to your booking (via email only), check in for your flight, and/or when there are updates to the status of your flight(s).
When you fly with us, you’ll receive any or all of these alerts via email or push notification (if trip is added to SingaporeAir App).
Check-in notification email and push notification
Delivered when online or mobile check-in is open, 48 hours before the time of your scheduled departure.
Check-in confirmation email
Delivered once you’ve completed your online web check-in.
Waitlist confirmation
Delivered if you’re waitlisted for a flight, and a seat becomes available. This alert is available via email, if you’ve provided us with your email in your booking.
Flight disruption
Delivered if there’s a cancellation, delay or change in your flight time.
This alert is available via the following ways:
- Via email and SMS, with the email address and mobile contact that you’ve provided us in your booking.
- Via push notification from the SingaporeAir mobile app, if you’ve added your flight to MyTrips in the mobile app
- Via WhatsApp, if you’ve subscribed to get flight updates.
Redemption waitlist reminders
Delivered if you’re waitlisted for an award ticket. These alerts are sent periodically to update you on your waitlist status, and offer alternative options to secure your redemption booking. If you prefer not to receive notifications about your waitlist redemption bookings, you may change your preference by logging into your KrisFlyer account here.
Redemption waitlist confirmation
Delivered if you’re waitlisted for an award ticket or flight upgrade, and a seat becomes available. By choosing to receive the redemption waitlist confirmation alert, you’ll also be signed up to receive the ticketing time limit alert, which prompts you to ticket your redemption booking by a specific date or it will be cancelled automatically.
Redemption waitlist cancellation
Delivered if you’re waitlisted for an award ticket, and we are unable to confirm it two weeks before departure. The waitlisted flight will be cancelled and we will alert you via email.
There are a number of reasons why you may not have received your booking alerts. For instance, you may have provided an invalid mobile phone number or email address. Perhaps your travel agent did not enter your KrisFlyer or PPS Club membership number when you made your booking. Or we may be experiencing some technical difficulties.
There are two types of codeshare flights: Those operated by Singapore Airlines and those operated by our codeshare partner. Booking alerts will only be sent to you for codeshare flights operated by Singapore Airlines.
Yes, you will receive booking alerts based on your new flights.