20 March 2023 - Employees from across the Singapore Airlines (SIA) Group will participate in a three-day long sustainability-themed global learning festival this week, supporting the Group’s commitment towards a lifelong learning culture for its people.
Participants at the biennial Learning and Innovation for Everyone (LIFE) festival will engage in more than 50 activities from 21 to 23 March 2023 globally, helping to reinforce the importance of the SIA Group’s long-term sustainability goals across the organisation.
Panel discussions, as well as talks by external experts from around the world, will focus on the drivers and challenges that lie ahead in achieving the Group’s 2050 net zero carbon emissions target, and in building workforce sustainability. Topics include steward leadership, the future of flight, biodiversity protection, and how technology can mitigate sustainability issues.
Showcases and workshops conducted by SIA Group employees will help their colleagues to get an insight into the myriad sustainability initiatives across the Group. Field trips including visits to Singapore-based farms, recycling plants, as well as museums, will also be conducted to help employees gain a better understanding of sustainability trends in other industries.
Ms Vanessa Ng, Senior Vice President Human Resources, SIA, said: “Staff development and continuous training is a cornerstone of the SIA Group’s corporate philosophy. Through our signature biennale learning festival, we get the opportunity to engage our people globally on our present and critical agenda. With sustainability as the key theme for this year’s learning festival, we seek to inspire our people to think about how they can play a role in supporting our sustainability goals and actions."
The SIA Group’s sustainability goals revolve around three key pillars – achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, reducing waste across its operations, and making a positive impact on society.
To drive the Group’s strategy, Ms Lee Wen Fen, Senior Vice President Corporate Planning, SIA, has been concurrently appointed as the SIA Group’s first Chief Sustainability Officer. Ms Lee has led various sustainability initiatives on behalf of the Group, most notably the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) pilot with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Temasek to study and operationalise the deployment of SAF in Singapore.
Ms Lee Wen Fen, the SIA Group’s Chief Sustainability Officer, said: “Sustainability is a priority for the SIA Group, as well as the entire airline industry. Over the last few years, we have reinforced our commitment to our longstanding environmental, social, and governance goals, and placed sustainability at the heart of the SIA journey. Long-term success requires collective action. That is why we have invited many of our partners to LIFE 2023, helping us to deepen our discussions and learn from one another as we work towards our common goal to bring about a more sustainable future for air travel.”
For more information on the SIA Group’s key sustainability efforts, please refer to Annexe A.
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Annexe A
The Singapore Airlines (SIA) Group is steadfast in our long-standing commitment to our sustainability goals. This is a priority for the Group, and an area of focus for our customers, shareholders, investors, and employees. We have made tangible progress in conducting our businesses in a more sustainable manner, and have been integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives across our operations.
Achieving Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050
In May 2021, we announced our commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This requires multiple levers including investments in new generation aircraft, achieving higher operational efficiency, adopting low-carbon technology such as sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), and sourcing for high quality carbon offsets.
Today, operating a young fleet of new generation aircraft is the most effective and direct way for airlines to reduce their carbon emissions. The SIA Group operates one of the youngest fleets in the world with an average age of six years and eight months, compared to the global average age of more than 15 years . This primarily comprises the latest aircraft models such as Airbus’ A350 and A320 Family, as well as Boeing’s 787 Family and 737-8s. These aircraft are around 25% more fuel efficient than the older aircraft that they replace on similar missions.
There is a relentless focus on increasing fuel efficiency through improvements in operational procedures. For example, the SIA Group has invested in airframe and engine improvement packages that reduce drag and optimise performance. SIA and Scoot have been reducing fuel usage through aircraft weight management and the optimisation of flight routes. Innovations in technology and data analytics will also pave the way for more significant improvements, and we will continue to engage research institutions to explore such programmes.
Sustainable fuels are a key lever in the success of our long-term decarbonisation goals. Collaboration with partners in governments and the aviation eco-system is essential to accelerate the development, production, and adoption of SAF in the airline industry.
SIA has been an active member of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group (SAFUG) since 2011. In November 2021, we undertook a pilot initiative in partnership with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), Temasek, Changi Airport Group (CAG), and other stakeholders, to study and operationalise the deployment of SAF in Singapore. In July 2022, blended SAF was delivered to Changi Airport via the airport’s fuel hydrant system, and uplifted onto SIA and Scoot departing flights from Changi Airport for the first time.
At the same time, we launched the sale of 1,000 SAF credits to corporate customers and freight forwarders to offer them an avenue to reduce their carbon footprint. This stimulates the demand for SAF to support the development of a nascent SAF industry and advance its adoption. Insights from the pilot will be used to explore opportunities to scale up SAF deployment to meet our net zero emissions ambition.
Beyond initiatives to reduce direct emissions, carbon offsetting can play an important and complementary role to remove any residual emissions.
The SIA Group participates in the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) scheme. This is the first global market-based measure to offset carbon dioxide emissions that cannot be reduced through technological and operational improvements or sustainable fuels. CORSIA plays an integral role in helping the aviation industry decarbonise in a cost-efficient manner. The SIA Group has voluntarily participated in it since 2019, ahead of the mandatory implementation for all airlines from 2027.
In June 2021, the SIA Group launched its voluntary carbon offset programme, which enables customers across our passenger and cargo airlines to play a part by offsetting their carbon emissions. Contributions from customers help to protect forests in Indonesia, support renewable solar energy projects in India, and provide efficient, clean burning cookstoves in Nepal. The Group will continue to explore partnerships that will allow us to source high quality carbon offsets.
In addition to the initiatives taken by the SIA Group’s airlines, SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC) undertook a feasibility study to replace its petrol and diesel-operated vehicles with electric vehicles. It has also embarked on an operational trial of electric tow tractors, which emit 55% less carbon emissions compared to conventional tractors. Following the feasibility study and trial, SIAEC plans to bring in the first batch of electric tow tractors into their hangars in FY2023/24.
Resource Conservation
We are committed to conserving resources through water conservation efforts as well as adopting renewable energy. By installing 20,000 solar panels in our offices in Singapore, we manage to reduce 4,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year. Through our water conservation efforts, we meet 88% of the demand for non-potable water in SIA’s head office in Singapore.
To improve resource use and waste management, we have embarked on initiatives to support the 5Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Repurpose), source alternative materials for packaging, and digitalise work processes and collaterals both on the ground and in-flight.
Since November 2022, SIA’s customers have been able to indicate if they wish to skip meals before their flights through the Airline’s website or mobile app. This, along with the pre-ordering of meals, allows for more accurate uplifting of meals and reduces food waste.
We have switched to eco-friendly packaging where possible, taking a step towards reducing our impact on the environment. For example, Economy Class meals on flights under three and a half hours are now served in lighter renewable materials. This lowers fuel burn and reduces the amount of single-use plastics on the meal tray.
Creating a Positive Impact on Society
The SIA Group is also committed to leveraging our business as a force for good in the communities that we serve. Since 2010, we have been a partner of the Harapan Rainforest Initiative in Sumatra, Indonesia. This helps to support biodiversity monitoring to identify species of concern in the ecosystem restoration area, and to provide information on the threats they may face. The initiative also supports the indigenous communities in the area.
SIA has long-standing relationships in the areas of education, sports, the arts, and environmental stewardship, through a range of efforts such as corporate donations, ticket sponsorships, and staff volunteerism.
Through SIA’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Day, employees may take paid leave to participate in community engagement activities organised by the Company in Singapore. As a global airline, we also work with charities in support of various initiatives and causes around the world. These include helping disadvantaged children, lower income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.
More information on the SIA Group’s sustainability initiatives can be found from the following links:
• SIA’s FY2021/22 Sustainability Report (link)
• SIA’s Sustainability Webpage (link)
• SIAEC’s FY2021/22 Sustainability Report (link)
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